Well, I made it. As you may have guessed. It was 30 hours of airplanes and airports begining to end and I adjusted quite well. Not really much jet lag at all. Sydney is amazingly beautiful, more than I even imagined. Been kind of a whirlwind few days meeting up with Judy's friends ...suprisingly I have been really good at remembering everyone's names...I usually am horrible..I 'm usually lost without name. Perhaps its the laid back quality of life that is harder and harder to find in the states...even Missoula.
Last night met up with more of Judy's mates. We went to a place called the Iceberg's Club. Wonderful dinner...amazing view overlooking Bondi Beach. A great view at night for sure. So the skinny on the club is that it is the Australian version of the Polar Bears...kind of. They have a pool that they keep at winter temperatures. I didn't try it out, but my guess is that it's nothing compared to the Montana Polar Bears who swim in 20 degree frozen lake water...of course the Montana Polar Bears typically don't stay in longer that 30 seconds.
Grabbing a plane here in a few and then heading to the Western coast of Perth. Which is about the same distance as New York to Los Angeles. I hear that it is beautiful. Just wanted to let everyone know I have arrived safe and sound and having a blast.
Haven't really taken the camera out yet. Will get post more images (one's I actually took versus stealing from the internet)...promise
Cool! Hope you have a blast. Safe trip home to you.
For those of us living vicariously. Looks great!
Thanks for sharing.
SO glad you are there safely. Perth is said to be incredible...enjoy.
I sense you may be leaving the states!? :)
xo ~Bella
Hello Michael,
Well I must confess that I had no idea who you were before taking your class in Perth March 2nd with the Sardine can shrines.
I am the "complaining Princess" that managed to create the dead, boney looking assemblage of which I have fondly named Davey Jones Locker. An offspring of my own love affair with Liquid nails.Just loving it by the way!!
I feel compelled to say once again how wonderful your class was and the inspiration I came away with to start creating again is alive and well after a long period of drought.
I did not get to say goodbye unfortunately. If you have not left yet, my invitation for you and your partner of accomodation to stay with my family and I whilst you check out the South West of W.A. is still very much on offer. Just say the word and your an instant guest I will even cook for you, now thats an offer not to miss.
I live 45 minutes from the Margaret river region full of wineries and some very cool local artists also, in Busselton a sleepy sea side town with the longest jetty in the southern hemisphere. We live on a 5 acre semi rural patch complete with studio for creative madness.
If you have allready departed I want to wish you a wonderful time in all that you do and hope you return to Perth again some day soon. Will keep an eye out for your return hint hint!!
Thanks for your wonderful teachings I treasured the workshop and to those reading this do not miss a workshop opportunity with Michael its awesome.
Hugs from SallyG
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