Though it seems far far away actually 2012 is lurking right around the bend. So I thought I'd give you a bit of a preview of some of the goodies you can look forward to:
La Fantome Maison: A New Orleans Adventure

Registrations are filling up for my annual NOLA retreat. Don't get left behind whilst everyone else has a blast.
The ever amazing Art Venue in Port Townsend Washington is once again kicking it with a stellar lineup. Registration started so get crackin' and get thee to an art-ery. I'll be teaching
Classes by Me
Good Brushes Gone Bad
Eye of Fatima
As it turns out my fiance, Andrea Matus, will be there as well doing her schtick. Here's some of her samples:
Classes by Andrea Matus
Collaging the Translucent
Dorian Gray Portrait
Suspended Souls
End of the World Workshop
Oaxaca Mexico, Day of the Dead
Oct. 26 - Nov 3, 2012
Don't fear the reaper! The Mayan Calendar is coming to an end so what better place to celebrate the end of the world than in the Mesoamerica…and…what better time to celebrate it than Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead)? The details are getting ironed out but I can tell you that for a class project we will be making a Time Capsule. Appropriate, don't you thing? My organizer Colleen is taking names and email of folks who are interested. I anticipate this will fill up fast fast fast. So get on the info list.
Contact Colleen Darling