Last week I was asked by my local paper, the Missoulian, to come up with a "best of" list for 2010...so I sort of did my own little twist. In Xmas's past I've written about Krampus (click here to read my past post), the nasty little sidekick of Santa who dishes out coal and spankings, so I decided to do a Krampus List.
Here's what I came up with:
A Krampus list
By Michael DeMeng, Missoula artist and art educator

1. Best Album: "Dark Night of the Soul" by Danger Mouse and Sparklehorse.
This is a freaky little album, nicely dark and demented with lots of cameos from the likes of Iggy Pop, Flaming Lips and David Lynch - yes, David Lynch. When you download the album off of iTunes you get a multimedia experience from Lynch. "Lost Highway"-esque photographs and mini films for each song. Weird stuff ... as you would expect.
2. Best Toy: Play-Doh Dr. Drill and Fill.
Well, you guessed it. A Play-Doh dental kit and best yet, it comes with an electric drill. So next time the kids want to impersonate Lawrence Olivier in the film "Marathon Man," they will be ready.
3. Best Book: "Squirrel Seeks Chipmunk: A Modest Bestiary," by David Sedaris.

5. Best Art Exhibit: Tim Burton at the Museum of Modern Art in New York.

6. Best TV show: "The Walking Dead."
Admittedly, I am vampire biased, so how could I deny "True Blood" the honors? However, zombies are back in fashion, and the "Walking Dead" is pretty phenomenal. There is evidence that zombie and vampire trends follow economic trends. Vampires for recessions, and zombies for boom times. Personally, I'm tired of the recession, so I'm giving the prize to "The Walking Dead."
7. Best Horror movie: "Human Centipede." Yikes! Really???!!!!!
2010 sucked when it came to horror movies. I almost chose the remake of the "Wolfman" for nostalgic reasons, or because Benicio del Toro did an amazing job replicating the bad acting of Lon Chaney Jr. in the original. Instead I'm giving it to "Human Centipede." Not because it is a good movie (which it is not) but because it is the yuckiest, grossest, ickiest concept for a movie, ever. You can look up the trailer on YouTube, but get the kids out of the room. It will scare the crap out of you.
Well there is my list...if you're interested in some of the other 2010 Best of 2010 lists (which includes a list from Pearl Jam's Jeff Ament) you can go here: http://missoulian.com/entertainment/music/article_f2b99468-0f29-11e0-8db8-001cc4c03286.html
Merry Xmas and Gruss von Krampus