Ok so I've had a strange day. Today was the day I needed to hunker down and get some work done on a commish that I'm doing for someone. It is a family portrait...sort of...more generally speaking and I just got rolling. It's a large piece...about 4ft by 3 ft. and things started to roll after I found a couple of statues at an antique store to represent the couple. Below is a hint of the beginnings of the piece. No paint yet...just raw materials...the figures will change oodles.
Now one thing my clients wanted me to include was a representation of there child...who they fondly call their little monkey. So today I decided I needed to track down a little monkey for the shrine. I pondered a bit and my first thought was the Montana Antique Mall (4 stories of goodies). Of course it means weeding through the place to find a small little monkey. Well, no time like the present. I pull up to the curb in front of the building and start walking in. I even pull the door open and I hesitate. I look down on the side walk and see this:

What is it? A piece of rust...poop? Looks like it might be good. I look closer.

Before I go any further...I'll show you where I was when I found the little object...red dot marks the spot.

A closer look reveals a tiny ceramic orangutan. Okay this is pretty friggin' weird. What are the odds. I mean seriously...the day I'm looking for a little monkey. Now I'm sure I could have found a monkey, but to find a monkey on the sidewalk in front of a store that is not know for its supply of monkeys. That little thing on the sidewalk could have been anything...a gear...a old tootsie roll...even a ceramic squirrel, but nooooo, a ceramic monkey on the day I need a ceramic monkey. What do you think statistic freaks? Two trillion to one....more...less?
So here is the sacred monkey in his little spot on the piece.

I'll post images of the completed piece when its done. But there is some seriously strange mojo going down already. Weird...very weird.