For those of you who have been out of the loop, I've been planning a Day of the Dead assemblage workshop in Oaxaca Mexico (the coolest place in the world...at least one of them). Then, about a year ago some protests closed the historic district.
Now, everything is rapidly getting back to normal. The very needed tourist trade is coming back. For those who don't know, this area is one of the richest in indigenous arts (as well as contemporary Mexican art). The indigenous people were hit hard by the lack of tourism. I'm so glad to see that things have come around.

It is one of those magical places, and the experience of Dia de los Muertos can't be beat. What is great about Oaxaca is that during this time of year there are so many options. Do you go to the cemetary and see the thousands of candles, marigolds, sand paintings, music and mescal, or do you watch the processions around town, or do you go to the local galleries to see more contemporary performances. It is mind blowing how much there is to do.
So click here for the skinny: http://www.michaeldemeng.com/Mexico.htm
or you can contact the organizer, Colleen Darling, directly:
Colleen Darling
Home 805-688-1221
Cell 805-448-1509
The workshop looks amazing and I am so glad it has settled there enough for you to do this. But I have to say Holy Sh#t. . .those stamps you have coming are awesome! When Christine mentioned you were going to have stamps. I thought they would be cool but this is truly beyond what I envisioned. Dude. Wow.
I would die (sorry for the pun) to attend Oaxaca workshop. Maybe another time.
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