hangin' in Saluda NC teaching a workshop this weekend at Random Arts.
Great time as always.
In the mean time, here is a little interview I recently did for MMCA. Learn all about my first book: Moon Monster.
Here is the scoop on MMCA:

We have no headquarters, which is good for the heating/cooling bill. We have no boss, no timekeeper, and no employee handbook. Then again, we have no fixed income. What we do have is group purchasing power in a world market. We are diverse. You will find not only full-time professional artists among us, but an arts gallery owner, a stay-at-home-mom, several savvy business women and more. Most of them would not know any of the others if they met in passing because most have never met face-to-face. Yet, many of the members talk daily about issues affecting their business and given that the art world relies on disposable income; there is a lot to discuss these days. A passion for adventure, exploration and art unifies the artists involved in the MMCA Marketplace, a virtual store that went up as the Dow was crashing down. MMCA Marketplace is a retail fine arts and craft shop. Its member artists make art cards, mixed media collages, floor cloths, jewelry, sculpture, paintings on paper and canvas, photographs and much more.