Sunday, June 30, 2013

The Dolly Apocalypse is Coming! The Video Footage That Will Shock the World

Return To the Valley of Creepy Dollies Gone Wild
The following events took place between the dates of June 11 and June 12 of 2013.  It is a horrifying encounter, and at times may be difficult to watch, but I believe it is important for people to see the truth…before it is too late.
The following video may be too shocking to view by some people.  Please consult your physician before pushing play.

Distressed Disturbed Disintegrating Dolly Head Workshop
Starts August 10th!
Distressed Disintegrating Dolly Heads OnLine Workshop
Starts August 10th
Participate at your leisure.

Get them before they get you!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

The Ironic Reincarnation of Colonel Sanders

So it's funny how things go...
I was at the thrift store gathering dolly heads for my next online class and came across a plastic Colonel Sanders piggy bank.  Well...who could resist that?

When it arrived home I knew I had to do something out of the ordinary with it...but what?
My inspiration came from masks you may have seen from from the Venetian Carnival....the masks that I am referring to in particular are the medico della peste masks...the Plague Doctor masks.  Though, these days they are worn for festive reasons...once upon a time...they were worn to protect a physician from....the plague.
These particular physicians were given the task to treat the victims of the Black Death (bubonic plague) in the 1600's an ensemble was created for these grim doctors that consisted of a heavy overcoat made of waxed fabric, a mask with eyeglass openings and a cone nose in the shape of a bird beak.  The doctors also would carry a cane or stick.  The idea was that this costume would protect them from contracting the disease...since they believed the Black Death to be airborne.  The cane was used to allow the physicians to...not very affectionately...poke and prod patients without getting to close.  The beak on the other hand, was filled with scented substances and straw, to purify the air the doctor breathed.

So what has this to do with the Colonel...nothing really.  But it seemed strangely apropos that the founder of Kentucky Fried Chicken might be reincarnated as such a character....forced to dress as a bird as penance to the vengeful chicken gods.   So...assuming you buy into this fantastical is the Ironic Reincarnation of Colonel Sanders:
The moral of the story...never upset an angry chicken god.

Monday, June 17, 2013

New Color Washes...Freaky Things with Wings...and the Worlds Smallest Shrineys.

I know what you're saying..."I really want to take a class and learn how to make weird and wild things...but...I'm just starting and I'm intimidated by rusty things...or painting"
Well don't sweat it.  My classes are fun and designed to be enjoyed by ALL levels.  You'll be learning  everything from basics in sculpture, to a whole lot of painting and distressing techniques.  

Speaking of painting I've got a whole slew of new paint recipes...
Mount St. Helen Reddy
Mrs Peacock
Rusty Crustacean
Red Velvet Vampire
Yellow Fever
Sassy Sultan Brown
and more!

So come on along for the ride.  Let's make some bizarre thingies.
Who wants to take a class?
All of you!  Wow that's let me tell you what's coming around the bend for those of you who want to play with paint and rusty things.
In a few weeks I'll be heading to La Canada (Southern California that is) and I'll be doing some Teeny Tiny Shrineys.  Here's the skinny on that one:

I have to admit I've made my share of shriney structures, in my day, and I have created them from a variety of unusual items ranging from license plates to stoves to shoes. This class will involve some serious downsizing and transforming small objects like matchboxes, lighter cases, piano keys, or other miniature vessels. Using a variety of itsy bitsy found objects you will adorn this little pocket sized temples. What is housed in your little shrine is entirely up to you... perhaps tiny model train people, perhaps a small object that has symbolic meaning for you, or maybe you happen to be friends with the Incredible Shrinking Man. Get ready to get tiny with your shriney.

Click here to sign up or for more info:

Now for those of you who like things that fly through the air with the greatest of ease...perhaps, Vampires, Angels and Freaky Things with Wings might be up your alley.

Okay, so I have a little confession to make…I was totally freaked out by the witch in the Wizard of Oz. Ironically, the flying monkeys…I loved. Of course I was always into freaky weird things with wings; Vampires, demons, dragons (especially, Ghidora the three headed dragon in one of those Godzilla movies I watched as a kid). As for angels…I was cool with them too…they just need to be stoic and/ or heroic but definitely not fluffy.
In this class you’re going to pick your favorite flying thing (or something you’d like to fly) and create a little scene where it can stretch its wings. Discarded toys and found objects combined into something wild and wonderful using the process of assemblage. Best yet, using a very simple pulley system, we will make your creatures take flight…well at least flap their wings.
Sort of reminds me of the flying monkey theme song…you remember, don’t you? “Up, Up and Away in My Beautiful Baboon”. I know, I know, I’ve stepped over the line for bad puns…I just couldn’t resist.
I recently taught this class at Valley Ridge.  Here's what the gang came up with:

Ann Renee Lighter

Diane Bywater

Gary Niebuhr

Jessie McNally

Kelley Clarke

Lynn Overden
And Best yet....they all flap those silly little wings...Woo Hoo! Wanna go flying? Click Here:

Monday, June 10, 2013

A Major Motion Picture for Your Approval

So while I was waiting for classes to begin at Valley Ridge I was busy filming and…yes, starring in a major motion picture of epic proportions.  There is actually a sequel in the works "ADollyLips Now"
Actually this was created to promote my upcoming ONLINE Class: Distressed Disturbed Disintegrating Dolly Heads.  Click here for info on the class (starts August 10th)

I now present the biggest thing to hit the screen since Godzilla vs Bambi

So, if you're interested in play with me and dolly heads you can click here:

Monday, June 03, 2013

Distressed, Disturbed and Disintegrating Dolly Heads Online Class

Starts August 10th

Distressed Disturbed Disintegrating Dolly Heads Online Workshop 
with Michael deMeng
My stepdaughters have learned to keep there busted dollies hidden from me...or else they will get transformed into weird wacky things.   Though. for a while, I noticed that  each day my dolly collection seemed to grow smaller and smaller.  Apparently what was happening was  the youngest had conducted a number of rescue mission, to liberate the some of the busted dollies I had purloined.  I was forced to conduct my dolly hunting expeditions outside the home into the jungles of the thrift shops.  But even so...the little tikes seem to periodically stepdaughters are admitting to nothing though.

Well, if you've ever been fascinated by discarded dollies...I've got a class for you.  I'm come up with twenty different mixed media techniques to transform little dollies into oddities of all sorts.  We will make them furry, crumbly, crackly, bedazzled, ghoulish and foolish.  

Here is a list of the creation we are going to play with:

Salvador Dollies
Hell O'Dollies
Barnacled Babes
Annie Oakleys
Tut Uncommon Babies
Zom Zom Blues
Terra Cotta Tikes
Bituminous Bambinos
Parsley Sage and Rosemaries Baby
Dolly Llamas
Bone Daddies
Jaded Nippers
Rust Buddies
Bottom Drawer Biddies
Ruby Tuesdays
Swamp Moppets
Pin-Heady Lamarrs

So if you want to participate...start gathering up little dollies...don't worry if people look at you funny...that's half the fun.
Ready to play?
Class Starts August 10th!

  • How much does it cost?   $99.99
  • When does it begin? 8/10/13
  • How does it differ from live class?  Online classes allow for a bit more in depth explanations of techniques etc.
  • Will there be video?  A: Yes.  I have about 180 of minutes of protected video that only students will be able to access.
  • Will it be live?  No.  I will not be doing live video, but I will be setting up a Yahoo Group where I will be available to discuss your questions.  However I each week I will record a video responding to all the questions posed in the Yahoo group.
  • Can you tell me more about the Yahoo Group?   Students can access this anytime and discuss issues with other students.  A gallery is also available for students to share current and past works. 
  • Is the class segmented or do I get everything at once?  I have designed the class so you will have access to all the information at once and can play with it as you like, at your own speed.  New weekly videos will pop up with additional tidbits and tips.
  • What kind of site is being used to host this class?  I'm using a protected TypePad account.
  • How will I access the TypePad account?  When class begins I will send out passwords and usernames to all the students.  
  • What else will be on the blog?  Along with the Videos I will be posting the major questions as they come up, and the solutions.  I will also do weekly video addressing these questions.
  • Is this for Beginners or Advanced students?  It's for everyone.  I've made it so it is information that can be used by all levels.
  • Will it be entertaining?  Geez, I hope so.  I will try and make it very un-dry and fun.
  • How will  you accept payment?  PayPal.  
  • If you don't use PAYPAL...don't worry...we can work something out.  Just send me and email.  
  • What will happen after I sign up?  I'll send you a confirmation to say "howdy" and then just sit back until I start the Yahoo group.  At that point  you'll get an email inviting you to join prior to class and meet some of the other students.  Then on August 10th ,2013,  I will send out the TypePad site, codes, etc.
  • How do I sign up?  A: Click the little button and you're off and running. WooHoo!