Kits are coming...not kittens, but kits. Time to pre-order some cool kits due in October.
Christine has been working away trying to perfect the Morpheus Box kit and finally she has done so. Those of you who took my class this year will know all about it. It has a spinneeee device (techincal term) in the center and gives you the chance for four different images in the box. Give it a whirl. http://www.theartistsnook.net/shop/cart.php?m=product_detail&p=501
The other kit that Christine is getting in is the Printers Tray. I'm working out a class proposal as we speak...or...type...rather. http://www.theartistsnook.net/shop/cart.php?m=product_detail&p=500
Drop Christine a line and let her know if you're interested...

(not sure where this image is from...but way cool)
Thank you for adding to my already demented mind. Again... o.O
Thank you sooooo much for the outlets class at AU on Sunday - you'll be thrilled to know (or maybe not) that three of us are taking a field trip to Pasadena on Friday to buy power tools at Harbor Freight - never in a million years did I think I'd be uttering those words :) Can't wait - love, love, love what I learned in your class and am happy with my first attempt at assemblage (with a French accent) - Michael - you're the best - big hugs - Reva (Los Angeles)
the cat is sick- nice touch! ps- found me a big black type writer last weekend hpw long did you say it was going to take to diassemble? 6 hours?
bizzaro pooty tat
omg.that thing is scary..LOL
lol! My cat has an appetite to match that picture. :)
That **IS** one crazy cat fish!
Your blog is full of cool wonders and "sound"...
It's my first time here and I am having fun!
Amber Dawn
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