Hello again,
Just in....
I've just started taking pre-orders for signed copies of my book, Secrets of Rusty Things.
When the book is released you will receive an autographed copy...plus... I've designed a special book plate that will attach to the inside front cover. This customized plate will only be available when purchased through my website (in other words it will not be available through Amazon, Barnes and Noble, etc.). Also included will be a deMengian Artist Trading Card. All this for only $30 (plus s&h).
If you're interested, click here
My assistant, Christine will be in contact to take your information.
You won't be charged until the book is ready to ship...sometime in May, but put your name in now, so we can order enough books.
I've had a few sneak peeks at the book during the design process...I love what I've seen..I'm quite excited. Hope you are.
thanks Michael
...Can't wait to get this one Michael.It's amazing what you do.
haPPy new Year!
Will you have the bookplates when you come to Saluda, NC in May? If not, you're gonna have a lot of very disappointed people at your book signing!!! No fair!!!
Meg Fowler (of rusty fishhook fame)
Wahoo! i'm cancelling my Amazon order now that you've sweetened the pot. he he thanx Michael.
:-) Mija
Dear Michael, I'm attending the Artistic Journeys Art Retreat, and attending one of your classes, in Perth, Australia in March.
Will your book be available at this Retreat? If so, will this offer be available if I was to express my interest?
It is very exciting, congratulations.
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