So today's hand surgery went pun far no pain. Wheeled me in...a bunch of iodine on my arm...a whirl of the drill...and out the door. The surgery itself was 6 minutes...the metal post they put in my finger comes out in 6 weeks. I had them do a few modifications though...better, stronger, faster.
Thought a Dremel attachment might come in handy...once again no pun intended. Okay... it was intended.Hey speaking of the Six Million Dollar Man...remember the episode(s) with Bigfoot?
Well, now I find out after all these years that they actually mad an action figure for him
...if you recall he was really a robot.
Okay now...speaking of action figures....
deMented Toys Workshop in Missoula
coming Sunday Jan 25th. TSusan of Tsunami is helping me put together a workshop in my lil' ol town. She is also showing some of my dudes in her store as if you're local or passing through stop in and see some deMented toys.
If you're interested heres some of the skinny
Island of deMented Toys
Description of workshop:
Remember the Island of Misfit Toys in the claymation epic "Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer". Well that's nothing compared to what we're going to do in this class. You're going to bring all sorts of parts and pieces from a variety of toys. You round up everything from Barbies to Tonka trucks, to snow globes, to wind-up zeppelins, and reassemble them "into something rich and strange" (to quote Shakespeare's The Tempest). Don't worry if your toys aren't dismantled yet…we can take care of that…bwwwwahahahahahaha (evil laugh - in case you were wondering). Using various techniques of assemblage we will turn our classroom in to a laboratory of the weird. Barbie and Ken will never be the same….as I said before ….bwwwwahahahaha.
Student Level : All skill levels, age (18 up)
Date: Sunday, January 25th 10am-5 spm
Location: Zootown Arts Community Center 235 North 1st Street West (Northside Missoula) 549-7555
Enrollment Contact and Info:
Susan at Tsunami
101 S Higgins Ave
Missoula, MT 59802
(406) 541-8699
Michael deMeng
Zootown Arts
The place where I'm teaching the above mentioned workshop is at a great new place right around the corner from my home. Zootown Arts which is a community center that offers art classes, artist studios, selling venues and tons more. If your in town check them out. I think its there hope they can turn the Northside into a great little arts neighborhood. That would be grand! Here's some info on them
Zootown Arts Community Center
235 North 1st Street West (Northside Missoula) 406-549-7555
in fact they have an event this weekend.
Though I was quite fond of your kinky digit, the dremelized version is quite impressive! Speedy recovery and enjoy your mutated toys :)
owww!! so sorry to hear about your finger~ We need you to heal fast!! Is it your right or your left? hope you won't be down for a long while~ Will be praying for a fast recovery!!!
Love Monkeyshine... brilliant piece!!
Pretty kool that Keith started a blog ;)
till next time!! ~Bella
Amazing what they can do these days. Did you at least have good drugs? I had an arthroscopic knee surgery 6 weeks ago. I'm still not 100%, but I'm "old". Plan to ski in January, though.
Good goddess!!! Your Monkey piece is just beautiful.
The demented toys are sheer genius.
glad you're on the mend, mister!
have fun with your silly puns!
later, skater!
Love the new attachment Michael,sounds like the drugs are still rolling on by the sound of that blog entery LOL.
LOve your demented or should I say demeng toys very cool
PS remember dont pick your nose again you will cut it off now with your dremel attachment
i hope you had them use some sort of "found object" to fi the finger! the workshop looks fun - hope you have a nice turnout.
**uh, that would be "fix" the finger
Hope you're hand will heal fast!
Funny you talk about toys. I teach sculpture to teens in a fine arts school, over the past weeks we had an autoportrait assemblage workshop. I brought your book ( along with other books) and one kid got quite inspired, she made an assemblage with a furby and other stuff. I can e-mail you a pic when I get a decent one if you're interested!
yeah, but HOW'S THE HAND?!
Wow, and I thought my trigger thumb was special. That gets treated by allowing the doctor to stick the world's longest needle in your thumb for about five mintues, digging it around for kicks, and then telling you what a low threshold for pain you have. Seriously, you can now demo the dremel sparks in class off the metal in your finger--don't let them take it out.
HA! dremel finger made me giggle and snort! i can always count on your blog commentaries for good entertainement Michael. Sorry about the villain finger tho. That is no laughing matter. May healing come quickly for you!
dig your demengted toys too.
btw, i totally remember Steve Austin and bionic bigfoot! unfortunately visions of them running slo mo thru the woods are etched into my memory. there are so many other things i wish i actually could remember than THAT!
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