When I was a kid my parents listened to Neil Diamond all the time...which means I listened to Neil Diamond...all the time. Because of that, whenever I hear a song by him I feel a bit of nostalgia. Oh sure, I try and pretend I don't like it, but secretly I do. It is sort of like that scene in Tommy Boy (which I am also supposed to pretend I didn't like...but actually did) where David Spade and Chris Farley are driving and a Carpenters song comes on, both pretend to not like it but.....
Classic...but I really didn't like the movie...no really!
Now I should mention since I'm talking about Neil Diamond that I, in fact did have a Neil Diamond-ish do in the late 80's/ early 90's.
Though I was actually going for more of a Lost Boys look...
In any event, the reason for my meandering is that whenever August rolls around, I can't help but think of Neil Diamonds Hot August Night album.
So that was my subtle segue-way to August...so I thought I'd let Neil Diamonds words introduce them...
Pack up the babies and grab the old ladies
And everyone goes, 'cause everyone knows, Michael deMeng's show
(I added the last part)
I'll be doing Trashy Novels,
Playing Dead,
Chunky Loteria,
and Mad Masks.
see you there....
Later in the Month I head North to...
August 25-29th in Muscoda WI
Green Acres is the place to be.
My favorite place to teach in the states...always relaxing and Kathy is such a great host.
I'll be teaching Mask Maker Mask Maker Make Me a Mask (a 3 day version of Mad Masks)
Urn Your Keep
Okay... see you somewhere....
Fantastic post!! Love the do!!!!
hee hee - have a similar relationship with Burt Bacharach - thanks Mum!
Sounds like you have your work cut out for you - have fun!
Yep, lots of people out there like you I think (concerning Neil). Rolling Stone writer David Wild even wrote a book about it. "He is I Said: How I Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love Neil Diamond."
There's a new Hot August Night out, Hot August Night/NYC from August 2008, Madison Square Garden. And there's a DVD of this one.
Here's a clip: Remember Crunchy Granola Suite?
Michael, you're very funny, and I love that clip! I don't really like Neil Diamond, but I have to admit something much, much worse: I actually know all the words to the "Green Acres" theme song, much to the ongoing dismay of my children.
It's so exciting about your shows, and I wish I could be there! Good luck!
I still like Neil Diamond. I was raised on his music too. Oh and now I want to watch Tommy Boy again. Thanks for the fun post, got me laughing early on a Saturday morning.
P.S. Love your work, been keeping an eye on it for years now.
Haaaa brilliant post! I tortured my girls when that album came out, they still detest it! Love to be there for workshops, maybe next year. Enjoy!
Gotta love the 70s and 80s music...it was so much a part of my life, growing up, falling in love, becoming an adult...well, still kinda waiting on THAT to happen :-)
Oh yeah, big Neil fan...and of course, who DIDN'T cry to a Carpenters tune? :-) Brings back lots of memories...
Funny thing, I TOO, had the Neil Diamond hairdo...but mine had a lot more hairspray in it! And I had HUGE glasses on my face (yeah, no picture of mine to post :-)Thanks for sharing that photo...what a handsome dude.
Here's to the next decade of music and hairstyles (and possibly growing up!)
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