I was video chatting with Judy yesterday and she was showing me out the window the crazy dust storm that moved into Sydney. Even through the computer camera I could see the bright orange sky. Eerie...weird...and really cool. I want to be there photographing. I've included a few shots I stole from some of the news feeds. I didn't take these photographs...I wish I did.

It's like the beginning of some freaky sci fi movie. Or from the HBO series Carnivale

..see what I mean...here's Luna Park in on Sydney Harbour

Oh look...here's Judy now...Okay, okay...I Photoshopped this one image...the rest are real

On a more serious note

Friends of mine are involved with an amazing project that will benefit ovarian cancer research.
The project is called Ties that Bind and it is a raffle that benefits the cause 100%. The winner of the raffle receives a doll adorned with charms created by 100 different artists. Time is winding down on the raffle so now is your chance to do something worthwhile and perhaps win a nice prize as well.
Click here to find out more.
Dear Michael...thanks for posting and charm donation to the project...I think this will help the final push.
Kathy Ray Photography
Donations can be made at
Sorry for the deletes...
those photos are fantastic. I wish I was there to take some freaky shots !
WOW! Amazing for sure and I totally dig the Carnivale series ref (loved that show)!
Also, wanted to share that I've been having fun with the Toy Camera app you suggested the other day (thanks!). That is, I have fun when I can wrestle my iPhone back from my husband (who, also, loves the app)!
A memorable day for us Sydneysiders.
Those photos are otherworldly. I can just imagine how many photographers were out in the dust storm capturing the moment, very surreal indeed.
Some of the dust particles have reached parts of the North Island of New Zealand, nothing where I am down South as of yet.
thanks for posting and charm donation to the project...I think this will help the final push.
Web hosting india
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