Tuesday, March 30, 2010

ART Give-away! Free Art Featured in Dusty Diablos....Holy Frijoles!

Thought I'd fill you in on a chance to win a piece of art featured in my latest book, Dusty Diablos.  Borders is doing a sweepstakes to promote the book and the winner receives an original piece of art.  Here's the piece.  it is from the Anima Sola (Lonely Soul) chapter of the book, which is a common image you see in Mexico, representing the soul in purgatory.

Here is the version I did for the book
and a detail
it was based on this nicho built into the side of the Catedral in Mexico City
so if you want to win the Anima Sola piece featured in the book this is the skinny:
Pretty much go to the following link...fill it out and you are in the running.  Of course it wouldn't break my heart if you bought the book too!
Follow this Link to sign up:
What do you have to lose?  Free art is free art!


  1. I'm in! Filled in the form...American-centric form...I now live in Sydney, Alabama, Australia.

  2. I'm in Australia as well and wasn't sure what to do about the state, do I do what Don did and just put in one of the American ones, but wont that confuse the postal address, Michael please let us "other than Americans" know what to do

    cheers Janine Matthews

  3. Very cool! Thank you for doing this! My students and I love your books and they are the closest things to being able to attend one of your workshops! Makes it easy when it seems like I always have a conflict on the ones I could attend! Really brings it to everyone!Thank you again!

  4. Of course, I already have the book! LOVE it! Sure would love to add to my collection of your art!!!

  5. Looks like another must have book for the Studio library! Very cool.

  6. So cool! Off to fill out the entry! Look forward to the book too!
    ~ Iva

  7. Boo Hoo... read the rules US citizens only!

  8. Your book is amazing...you are so open and giving with your thought process...and technical skills! Hats off to you for that!!

  9. Another book?
    O K with me!!!!
    Do you remember the elvis shrine I did in Oaxaca?
    It got into a juried show!!!
    Thanks for the fun!

  10. fantastic piece!

    By the way, I stumbled into another fun Golem tale recently. Achilles takes on the role in Zachary Masons The Lost Books of the Odyssey

  11. Awesome, awesome ART! What an opportunity to enter your contest. Thank you!

  12. As another Aussie I'm off to live in Alabama, Australia! Thank you for the link...your work is, as always, covetable.

  13. Darn! At the bottom of the entry page it says that competition is only open to 'legal residents of the United States'....

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Hey Michael, i entered the contest!

    i love love love your work, and am so inspired! can't wait to get into the studio today!

    i live in northern california-any workshops nearby?

  16. Nice to run into your at Artfest. Looks like another cool book.

  17. I've already got both your books and a DVD of an online class. I'm now looking for a "story" to build my own ideas around. Thank you for being so generous with your techniques.

  18. i have your book and am on my way to mexico

  19. Sadly, this contest seems to be for legal US residents and not for legal Canadian residents. I did print the Borders coupon to save the 5 bucks next time I cross the border. The book is not available in Canada until later this year. At least the dollar is at par!

  20. Ooohh, I hope I win!! The Chamsa piece that I bought from you in Puerto Vallarta needs some company! Have been making stuff since your amazing workshop and feeling very inspired and confident thanks to you! Of course, I bought my treasured copy of Dusty Diablos as soon as I returned.
