Saturday, February 23, 2008

The Answer is Blowing in the Wind

The answer is....YES. If you're wondering what I'm referring to...go to Jen Crosley's blog post in reference to our overly intelectual conversation.

While you're there check out her as school.

Packing up for the big trip...cheers,


  1. Glad you finally figured this out.

    The frequent flyer miles just keep piling up.

  2. You and Jen.. your converstaion is way outta my league.

    But I'm sorry to say she hasn't been very faithful to you Michael, ask her about her conversation with Dave......

    We had such a great day at the swap meet on Friday - so much great junk - you would have loved it.

    I found some dentures that I really wanted to buy you to see how you could incorporate them in your art LOL but Jen wouldn't let me - there are so many stories from FRiday - they will end up on my blog one day....
